Drs Roger Morrison and Nancy Herrick
Both Roger and Nancy are amongst the most experienced homeopaths in the world. They pioneered homeopathy during its revival in the last quarter of the 20th century through their teaching, provings and many developments.
Roger Morrison studied medicine graduating in 1978. Having then attained a fellowship at the Athenian Centre for Homeopathic Medicine in 1984, he established the Hahnemann Medical Clinic and the Hahnemann College of Homeopathy in California. He has lectured extensively all over the world. In addition to his two textbooks for practitioners The Desktop Guide and The Desktop Companion, in 2006 Roger published his latest book, Carbon,Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Homeopathy,
Nancy Herrick began homeopathic practice in 1974 following a Masters in Psychology and Child Development. She commenced teaching in 1983 at the International Foundation for Homeopathy and was on the founding committee of the Hahnemann Medical Clinic and the Hahnemann College of Homeopathy. She has lectured in America, Europe, Mexico, New Zealand and India. Nancy has been involved with provings of many remedies, some of which she published in two books Animal Minds, Human Voices and Sacred Plants, Human Voices, and she has recently received the first honorary doctorate degree awarded by the American Medical College of Homeopathy.